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π†π‚πŒ°πŒΌ Wikipedia
User language
pt-N Este utilizador tem como lΓ­ngua materna o portuguΓͺs.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-3 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento avanzado del espaΓ±ol.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances avancées en français.
it-3 Questo utente puΓ² contribuire con un livello avanzato in italiano.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
la-2 Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
cs-1 Tento uživatel mÑ zÑkladní znalosti čeőtiny.
ro-1 Acest utilizator poate contribui cu un nivel de bază de romÒnă.
Users by language

I am a very experienced user over at the English-language Wikipedia (user page), where I am an Administrator and a Bureaucrat (quick check)

I expect to be of service on meta as much as possible, especially since my linguistic skills may come in handy on this project that serves all the other wikis.

On December 22, 2006, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees appointed me a Steward.

I am also registered as "Redux" in the following projects (languages):

I am also "Redux" at:

For a detailed list, see also my Matrix (thanks to Kylu).

𐌲𐌰𐌽𐌿𐌼𐌰𐌽 π†π‚πŒ°πŒΌ "https://got.wikipedia.org/wiki/πŒ½πŒΉπŒΏπ„πŒ°πŒ½πŒ³πƒ:Redux"