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This user uses TwinkleGlobal to fight vandalism globally.
π†π‚πŒ°πŒΌ Wikipedia

Desktop PCThis user contributes using a desktop PC.
This user has created a global account. This user's main account is on Wikipedia (English).
20,000+This user has made over 20,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.
This user has an account on Miraheze.
User language
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
Users by language
𐌲𐌰𐌽𐌿𐌼𐌰𐌽 π†π‚πŒ°πŒΌ "https://got.wikipedia.org/wiki/πŒ½πŒΉπŒΏπ„πŒ°πŒ½πŒ³πƒ:EthanGaming7640"