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( function ( $ ) {
	'use strict';
	var gothicQwertyKbd = {
		id: 'gothic-qwerty',
		name: 'Gothic QWERTY',
		description: 'QWERTY-based Gothic keyboard',
		date: '2014-12-09',
		author: 'implementation by Roel (Gothicspeaker)',
		version: '1.0',
		patterns: [ 
                        [ 'q', '𐌡' ],
			[ 'w', '𐍅' ],
			[ 'e', '𐌴'],
			[ 'r', '𐍂' ],
			[ 't', '𐍄' ],
			[ 'y', '𐍈' ],
			[ 'u', '𐌿'],
			[ 'i', '𐌹̈'],
			[ 'o', '𐍉'],
			[ 'p', '𐍀' ],

			[ 'a', '𐌰' ],
			[ 's', '𐍃' ],
			[ 'd', '𐌳' ],
			[ 'f', '𐍆'],
			[ 'g', '𐌲' ],
			[ 'h', '𐌷' ],,

			[ 'j', '𐌾' ],
			[ 'k', '𐌺' ],
			[ 'l', '𐌻' ],

			[ 'z', '𐌢' ],
			[ 'x', '𐍇' ],
			[ 'c', '𐌺' ],
			[ 'v', '𐌸'],
			[ 'b', '𐌱' ],
			[ 'n', '𐌽' ],
			[ 'm', '𐌼' ],

			[ 'Q', '𐌡' ],
                        [ 'V', '𐌸'],
			[ 'W', '𐍅'],
			[ 'E', '𐌴' ],
			[ 'R', '𐍂' ],
			[ 'T', '𐍄' ],
			[ 'Y', '𐍈' ],,
			[ 'U', '𐌿' ],
			[ 'I', '𐌹̈'],
			[ 'O', '𐍉' ],
			[ 'P', '𐍀' ],

			[ 'A', '𐌰' ],
			[ 'S', '𐍃' ],

			[ 'F', '𐍆' ],
			[ 'G', '𐌲' ],
			[ 'H', '𐌷' ],
			[ 'J', '𐌾' ],

			[ 'L', '𐌻' ],

			[ 'Z', '𐌢' ],

			[ 'B', '𐌱' ],
			[ 'N', '𐌽' ],
			[ 'M', '𐌼' ],

			[ '`', '`' ],
			[ '=', '=' ],
			[ '-', '-' ],
			[ '_', '_' ]
	$.ime.register( gothicQwertyKbd );
}( jQuery ) );
𐌲𐌰𐌽𐌿𐌼𐌰𐌽 π†π‚πŒ°πŒΌ "https://got.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=πŒ½πŒΉπŒΏπ„πŒ°πŒ½πŒ³πƒ:Bokareis/got.js&oldid=33733"